Page 27 - FIS World
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The Parent Teacher Group (PTG) Book Fair and Visiting Author Program
The PTG has organized book fairs for many, many years at FIS using monies raised through these and other school wide events such as Worldfest and Applefest to invite well-known and inspirational authors to the school to interact with stu- dents of all ages. Some notable authors from the past have been: Jonathan Rand (Chillers series), Anne Fine (Madame Doubtfire), Lois Lowry (The Giver), Joanna Cole and Bruce Degan (Magic School Bus series), Jean Marzollo (I Spy series) and David Almond (Skellig). The aim of these programs is to engender in young people an interest in books and read- ing - most immediately to improve their literacy skills, but in the long run to enrich their lives.
attracts readers through “....spoofing and saluting all the silly things that Super Villains do using witty text and fun art.”
Scott Seegert, the author and man behind the witty text, explained, “The hybrid text, illustration style and goofy characters appeal to reluctant readers while also challenging accomplished readers with higher end, but fun vocabulary.”
There is currently a long waiting list in the libraries for issues of the Vordak series. Avid and formerly reluctant readers who are able to get their hands on copies of Vordak books will
no doubt expand their vocabulary with words including: impervious, dia- bolical, troglodytes, prodigious, nefari- ous and minions. Those finding it diffi- cult to get copies should practice their evil laughs, and use them, as they politely ask their librarian to please reserve copies.
While it’s unclear if Vordak recruited any FIS students during his visit, he was quick to admit that he couldn’t take over the world without help from his minions. The FIS librarians are equally realistic, and said they couldn’t host two such successful events each year alone. Ms. Steidl said, “The Visit- ing Author Program” is funded by
Vordak the
a popular
character in
literature, looked
quite prodigious
as he strolled the
hallways in his
black cape and a
mask topped with
a giant V.
proceeds from the PTG Book Fairs... and the PTG and parent volunteers who contribute their time make these wonderful events possible, the real superheros behind this effort.”
Emmett Kelly, FIS Parent
February 2015 FIS World 25

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