Page 12 - FIS_World_May_2015
P. 12

The First Dance
A Grade 6 Student’s Perspective on School Dances
Picture this: you walk into the auditorium and all you can see are colorful lights and silhouettes
of people dancing. Your friends convince you to dance. You’re having a blast until a slow dance comes on, and you don’t have someone to dance with. You take the chance to eat something and drink water. When you go back on the dance floor the slow song is over! So you dance again.
The Halloween Dance was the first dance for many of my classmates. For some, it was a whole heap of stress, for others it was boring, and for most it was just plain fun! Some people went with dates, but I think it’s best to go with friends when it’s your first dance.
As I walked in, I felt freedom. I loved the sensation of letting go!
I was one of the first to arrive and so
I waited. After about fifteen minutes, more people arrived. Everyone wanted to get inside the auditorium! Before the dance, I expected a DJ, costume contests, food and punch. My friend Hugo said, “I think it’s going to be ok,
a lot of people are going to be scared when a slow dance comes around and RUN from the dance floor!” And Nooriya told me she expected the dance to be “really cool with loud music and everybody dancing and great snacks.”
As I walked in, I felt freedom. I loved the sensation of letting go! I expected many things but not freedom! I could tell everyone had a lot of fun. The best part was the DJ. He played the latest hits and everyone ran to dance to “Watch me Whip”!
Afterwards people told me what they thought of the dance,“Best. Day. Ever!”
“Awesome!” and “Loved it!” I helped making the decorations and had a blast hanging out with friends. Can’t wait to see everyone at the next dance!
Isabel Monteiro Bühlmeier, Grade 6 Student
10 FIS World February 2016

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