Page 6 - FIS World
P. 6

sting Memory
Mike McKay cheers FIS at ISST with fellow FIS fans Reid and Meera
Ihave had many experiences in my years at FIS, but nothing was quite like travelling to London with other
FIS parents to cheer on our Warriors (and my Grade 12 son) in this year’s International School Sports Tourna- ment (ISST) Volleyball tournament.
It was my first time travelling abroad for an ISST tournament. While the games were thrilling as our War- riors fought against the odds, over- coming team injuries to enter a medal round on the third day, it is likely that in years to come I will not remember what place we finished. But without a doubt, I will forever recall the experi- ence of being ‘on the road’ with our Warriors.
Who could forget our parent cheer- leaders? FIS had more parents present than any other team represented. In addition, we were the LOUDEST par- ents, unable to contain our enthusi- asm and pride. Adding to our numbers and volume were four FIS alumni studying in the United Kingdom who came to cheer on a younger sibling or former teammate. In more ways than one, it was as much a family reunion as a sporting event, bringing together
those who share the Frankfurt Interna- tional School DNA.
I will not soon forget the team’s coach, Natalie Bucky, who is represen- tative of the exceptional coaching found on other FIS teams as well. Regardless of what sport my children have been involved in at the school, their coaches have been models of both leadership and integrity. Playing on an FIS team does not guarantee a medal or trophy, although that is fre- quently the case, but it does guaran- tee that students will be developing their character and finding an inner strength that will serve them well in years to come.
Finally, the students who were at the center of this shared experience were nothing less than inspiring. Yes, I was impressed with their tireless moti- vation and physical prowess on the court. But what will always stick in my mind is the way they came together as a team: yells of encouragement from those on the bench, sharing a smile or laughter to help ease the tension, affirming a teammate after a critical play. Regardless of the final result, which was tremendous, in my mind
they were champions because of their unquestionable commitment to the sport, to one another, and to letting the other teams around Europe know that an FIS Warrior will always be a for- midable force and a model of sportsmanship.
I am not writing this article as an ardent sportsman. As a youth, and still today, my interests have always gravitated toward the scientific. I am more comfortable looking through a microscope or telescope than toward a goal or finish line. However, returning home from London with my son, I was full of pride in him both as an athlete, a scholar and a fine young man. I found myself greatly indebted to FIS for all it has done to support his development, and that of his siblings, as well as so many other young people who will go forth from our school and represent us to the world.
Thanks FIS for the lasting memories.
Michael McKay,
Chair Board of Trustees
4 FIS World February 2015

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