Page 15 - FIS World JUne 2024
P. 15

  As part of their newspaper project, students wrote editorials, movie reviews and other features before completing the final layout (below)
   “As a group we brainstormed topics that might be interesting for our school community,” said Melike, a Grade 8 student in the class. Students then decided about topics and teams during a “Redaktionskonferenz,” or editorial conference, and started writing articles as individuals and within small groups.
Topics just came along – the snow day, distance learning and Changemaker Conference, for example. Grade 8 student Addy made a graphic novel, while Grade 7 students Ricardo and Olivia created a crossword puzzle. Grade 8 student Ana wrote about the movie “Mean Girls,” and more.
To finalize the first edition of the newspaper, students held a “press conference” during their German class where they made sensitive choices about final topics and layout. “Our layout team designed the first edition of the paper pushing all kinds of creative boundaries,” said Sukanya, who’s in Grade 8.
The learning journey
From start to finish, the newspaper project was filled with learning. “We learned how to write and structure exciting articles to catch the reader’s attention, combine information withpicturesandeditourwriting,”saidAddy.“Wealsolearned how to prepare questions for interviews and met teachers to answer our questions about their teaching life in FIS Wiesbaden” “Our teacher Frau Kahnert-Mohs supported our learning journey in all areas.”
The first edition of Die Frankie Zeitung FISW was published in March, much to the enjoyment of the entire FISW community – and to the satisfaction of all involved in bringing their idea to print.
Iris Kahnert-Mohs FISW Teacher
 May 2024 FIS World 13

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