Page 16 - FIS World JUne 2024
P. 16

 Creating Together
The power of collaboration
The most enjoyable aspects of collaboration often center around teamwork and creativity
“For this assignment, you’ll be working in groups.”The moment students hear such a phrase, there is often a mix of emotions as they glance around the room and weigh the
Should the students find themselves in pairs or groups with friends, the atmosphere might be initially more comfortable and even more fun, while simultaneously the group itself could potentially be a bit less productive. Conversely, sitting down with a relative stranger to create something can be a daunting task, as students grapple with the unease of getting to know someone while also keeping an eye on the assignment at hand.
The degree to which we are acquainted with our working partners is only a portion of the equation when we join with others to create, but effective collaboration as a skill set is crucial as so many aspects of life are approached not individually but collectively, and achieved not by a solo star but by a host of accomplished contributors. In designing and implementing the Grade 5 Primary Years Program Exhibition (PYPX), FIS is acknowledging the value of collaboration and ensuring that students have begun to acquire the skills that make such endeavors successful.
For PYPX, Grade 5 students are asked to choose a passion of theirs that is connected to one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development
Goals. The Grade 5 teachers then carefully pair or team the students who have similar interests. Once grouped, the students choose an action related to that interest and design an exhibit to share their work with others. Most of this process requires a commitment to collaborative work that the Grade 5 teachers feel is vital for the students to acquire as it “fosters teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills essential for success in the transition to Upper School and beyond. By working with peers, students learn to share ideas, appreciate diverse perspectives, and negotiate differing opinions.”
While the Grade 5 teachers are aware of the tremendous value of this skill set, they also acknowledge the many obstacles students face as they attempt to master them, specifically ineffective communication and conflict.
“Expressing ideas clearly and actively listening to others can be difficult as children navigate differing viewpoints and learning styles,” they say. “In addition, managing conflicts that arise duringcollaboration,suchasdisagreementsover ideas or roles, can present significant challenges as students develop the skills to negotiate, compromise, and find common ground.”
Impediments to effective group work may arise, but the Grade 5 students found a good deal of enjoyment in their shared objectives and efforts. In reflecting on her group’s activities, student Sieun reported that she “loved sharing ideas, discussing
14 FIS World May 2024

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