Page 8 - FIS World JUne 2024
P. 8

 Navigating the AI Wave
FIS’s deliberate approach to integration
FIS has developed a traffic-light system for students to refer to when in doubt about anything AI
Flashback to February 2023: Frankfurt International School hosted a groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium, bringing
together students, educators and industry experts to discuss and explore the possibilities and pitfalls the revolutionary chatbot ChatGPT would have in education. This symposium served as a catalyst for FIS to embark on a transformative journey toward better understanding the uses and integration of AI into its curriculum and operations.
Fast forward to the present day where a myriad of generative AIs based on multiple Large Language Models, each with their own varying and unique capabilities, have made their way into our daily lives. Alongside these developments, FIS has made significant strides in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to enhance teaching and learning experiences. The school community has embraced AI, welcoming the wave of innovative tools into its classrooms and learning spaces with a cautious and deliberate approach. By recognizing the evolutionary potential of AI, FIS has embarked on a mission to carefully understand its impacts and implications, combing through every aspect of the phenomenon to ensure the safest, most positive and ethical usage on behalf of teachers and learners alike.
From the onset, the school’s leadership understood that while AI promised to revolutionize teaching
and learning, its implementation required careful consideration and foresight. For this reason, a dedicated task force composed of passionate educators, administrators, students and parents joined to drive forward the integration of AI across the various facets of the school while seeking to strike a balance between innovation and responsibility.
The task force exemplifies FIS's commitment to strategic planning and collaboration. This group is divided into sub-groups, each of which is tasked with delving into focus areas that together cover the many layers that make up an intricate school system such as that of FIS. Sub-groups include Outreach, Student Voice, Personalized Learning, and Ethical Considerations and Guidance Development. By engaging members from different stakeholder groups, the task force ensures that AI integration aligns with the school's mission, values and educational goals.
The process of establishing adequate guidelines for technologies that are constantly evolving has proven to be a bigger challenge than expected. The many gray areas brought about by generative AI tools, such as copyright, reliability, intellectual property and bias are still subject of discussion, yet teams have been diligently evaluating documentation and best practices set forth by the International Baccalaureate Organization
6 FIS World May 2024

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