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  areas of reading partnerships and STEAM-based projects that our older students can facilitate.
By providing students with the opportunity to showcase their learning, we are not only celebrating their achievements, but also fostering a culture of collaboration and shared learning. Students can learn from one another's experiences, share their ideas and feedback, and inspire one another to pursue their own interests and passions.
Day H - Flex Day represents our school's devotion to empowering our students to take ownership of their own learning and forge their unique paths to success. With the introduction of this eight- day, A-H rotation schedule, we have created a vibrant culture of inquiry-based learning that has sparked a newfound passion for personalized learning among our students. From the inspirational morning Community Assembly to the engaging and collaborative events that take place throughout the day, our students are given the rare opportunity to showcase their boundless creativity and intellectual curiosity to their peers, teachers and mentors. By fostering this culture of collaboration and empowerment, we are not only unlocking the full potential of each student, but also laying the foundation for a brighter, more innovative future for our entire community.
Gioia Morasch
FISW Associate Principal & Cross Campus PYP Curriculum Leader
Day H - Flex Day represents our school’s devotion
to empowering our students to take ownership of their own learning and forge their unique paths to success.
  June 2023 FIS World 5

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